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How it works

At Starlight Credit Repair LLC, we use 100% legal credit challenge methods that get you great results that LAST. We will never promise you a certain outcome, because in credit repair there are no promises. What we can promise is that we have the knowledge and skills to challenge negative items on your report legally, scoring you deletions and a higher credit score in an obtainable time frame.

Below is a breakdown of the process we take to get you the results you desire.

Step 1- Consultation

After submitting your request for a consultation, one of our associates will contact you within 1 business day to discuss your plans, goals, and current credit situation to get a better understanding of how we can help. The good news is that this step isn't required! You can skip this step and sign up right away.

Step 2- Sign up!

After the initial consultation, an associate will then begin the onboarding process. You will then obtain your login credentials for our client access portal to view your progress on your file during the entire credit repair process with us. This process includes providing us with documents such as photo identification, credit monitoring service login credentials to obtain credit reports, and signing of client agreements/contract.

Step 3- Credit audit

Awesome! You successfully onboarded and have found the path to financial freedom. Now lets start moving! After you complete the onboarding requirements, a Certified Credit Consultant will then look over your entire credit profile in depth and send you a personalized credit audit. This audit will be your roadmap on your journey to perfect credit. It will show you everything from where your score is suffering the most, and how we plan to challenge the items that are hurting your score and get you the results you're seeking. After the delivery of your credit audit, you will then be charged the initial audit/enrollment fee outlined in your client agreement.

Step 4- The work begins

You've read over the personalized credit audit created for you by our Certified Credit Consultant, we have a plan in place to start challenging negative items on your report, now the best thing for you to do is wait. At this time, our team is busy working on your file creating letters to send on your behalf to the bureaus and creditors. While we do our job, it's your job to make sure you are maintaining healthy financial habits such as not applying for new credit, keeping revolving account balances low, and continuing to make monthly bill payments on time. Bureaus have 30-45 days to respond to our challenge letters.

Step 5- You've received a response! Great!

In 30-45 days or less of us sending out the first round of challenge letters, you should receive responses in the mail from the bureaus or creditors regarding the disputes. These envelopes tend to look plain and are easily mistaken as junk mail. It is EXTREMELY IMPORTANT that you provide your Credit Consultant with these response letters immediately upon receipt. Depending on their response will determine our next course of action. Your response letters can be uploaded directly in your client portal. Didn't receive a response within 30-45 days? Don't worry, we have a letter for that too.

You've reached your destination! Items Deleted! 

Congratulations! The bureaus responded back to us stating that items we have challenged were removed from your credit report. You are now one step closer on the journey to perfect credit and financial freedom. Didn't get the response you were hoping for? That's perfectly okay and expected. More times than not, it takes 3 sometimes 4 rounds of letters to see results that we are working to achieve. At Starlight Credit Repair LLC, we don't take no for an answer. We have over 100 different letters and tactics we use in order to get negative items deleted from your report. Its all about persistence.

What is a credit score?

A credit score is a number generated by a mathematical formula that is meant to predict credit worthiness. Credit scores range from 300-850. The higher your score is, the more likely you are to get a loan. The lower your score is, the less likely you are to get a loan. If you have a low credit score and you do manage to get approved for credit then your interest rate will be much higher than someone who had a good credit score and borrowed money. Therefore, having a high credit score can save many thousands of dollars over the life of your mortgage, auto loan, or credit card.


700-749 GOOD

650-699 AVERAGE

550-649 POOR

300-549 BAD

What affects your Credit Score?


We'll give you a free consultation and

​ credit analysis


While we use the law to challenge

​ negative items on your report

See Results

Log in to see real time progress every

​ step of the way

Create An Account

You will be sent a link to create an account in our client software and order credit monitoring. We'll analyze your credit report. We'll be looking for negative items that may be hurting your score.

The Disputes Begin

We will then write to each of the 3 credit bureaus as well as original creditors directly. The letters will include disputes, appeals, validation requests and goodwill intervention. Keep in mind we take an aggressive approach and will be doing this for all of the qualifying negative items on your reports right from the start. Also, you can log into our client portal and check your progress report, which will show you what has been removed and which items remain. Our client portal is updated every 30-45 days.

Results Will Come

Your results will be mailed directly to the mailing address you've provided upon enrollment. These letters need to be uploaded to your portal within 3 days of receiving them. We will analyze the items removed and generate new disputes addressing the again. We will do this every 30-45 days until we get the best results possible.

Personal Information

Personal data contained in your credit reports, such as your name, addresses, employment history and Social Security number, is known as “personal information.” Your reports reflect the identifying information that your creditors give to the agencies when you complete a credit application. 

Late Payments 

A late payment is an amount of money a borrower sends to a lender or service provider that arrives after the date that the payment was due or after a grace period for the payment has passed.

Collection Accounts

If you fall behind on payments, the lender or creditor may transfer your account to a collection agency or sell it to a debt buyer. This generally occurs a few months after you become delinquent, or the date you begin missing payments or not paying the full minimum payment. Credit Repair has been the 31 remedy to assist in removing these kinds of accounts.  


Bankruptcy is a legal proceeding involving a person or business that is unable to repay their outstanding debts. Bankruptcy is handled in federal courts, and rules are outlined in the U.S. Bankruptcy Code.

Credit Inquires

A record of a request for your credit report is called a credit inquiry. You’ll see an inquiry on your credit report anytime someone pulls your report from one of the 3 major credit bureaus: TransUnion, Equifax, and Experian. 

Student Loans

Student loans can come from the federal government, from private sources such as a bank or financial institution, or from other organizations. Loans made by the federal government, called federal student loans, usually have more benefits than loans from banks or other private sources.



Business Hours

Monday - Friday 9AM TO 7PM EST.

Saturday - 10AM TO 6PM EST.

Sunday - CLOSED


4801 Glenwood Avenue Suite 272

Raleigh, North Carolina 27612

© 2019 Starlight Credit Repair LLC | All Rights Reserved 
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